Emil Olsen
Syns Sans
A typeface to simulate how visually impaired readers perceive typography.
How do you illuminate the problems of a visually impaired person through font design?
One of our most important senses is sight, in Norway, it is estimated that there are approximately 1,000 people who are totally blind and approximately 180,000 people with a greater or lesser degree of impaired vision.
The project is fundamentally about sight, and how to shed light on the challenges of the visually impaired. I have chosen to work on this topic to gain more insight into the challenges of visually impaired meetings. This project deals with a large group of people who are often not taken into account.
Our sight is a sense that we often take for granted. We live in a rather visual world,and what happens when your vision becomes impaired or completely gone?
The name "Syns sans" derives from the sense of sight(Syn in Norwegian) and is a pun on the sense of sight and sans(the sense in English) as in sans serif.